These days, it seems near impossible to avoid toxic chemicals in everyday life. The first step in creating a safe and clean living environment is to learn to identify sources of exposure. Here are a few resources to help you do just that:
Environmental Working Group: Each year, EWG assesses which fruits and veggies have the most residual pesticides and which are the cleanest, to help shoppers choose where to spend their money on organics. They also put out a useful sunscreen guide, rating many of the products on the market for the safety of ingredients. They also do much, much more. Check them out. Also, you may want to read my article on whether or not to buy organic.
Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies: Cleaning supplies are a significant source of deleterious (and unnecessary) chemicals. If you are looking to make a change, here is a simple place to start.
Washington Toxics Coalition: Still reading? This watchdog out of Seattle has the tagline “Protecting Health and the Environment.” Its a great place to keep on learning more.
Safer Chemicals Healthy Families: A national effort to protect families from toxic chemicals
American Lung Association’s Healthy Air page: tips on protecting the quality of your indoor air.