Healthy Eating:
Buying healthy and organic foods can be expensive. I still encourage you to do it as much as you are able. In the long run, it may not cost as much as the detrimental effects of a poor diet. And interestingly, an article from the AP suggests that a diet high in fruits and vegetables is actually less expensive that one high in fat sugar and salt.
Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides (“the dirty dozen” and “the clean fifteen”)
Gluten Free Registry
Seafood Watch: the guide to healthy, safe seafood (especially important for pregnant moms)
Local Healthy Food Shops
River Valley Market, Northampton
Cornucopia, Northampton
Whole Foods Market, Hadley
Trader Joe’s, Hadley
Leverett Coop, Leverett
Green Fields Market, Greenfield
McCusker’s Market, Shelburne Falls
Better Life Whole Foods, Springfield Brattleboro Food Coop, Brattlboro
Local farms are already selling farm shares for the next year. This is a lovely way to not only get an abundance of local organic vegetables, support local agriculture, but also be introduced to new veggies you might not have tried.
Clean Living and Toxic Exposure:
Environmental Working Group
Washington Toxics Coalition
Hampshire County Pollution Scorecard
Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
For Parents Fever: should you call the doctor?
Safe Babywearing
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
Northampton Parent Center
Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding State Laws
A Natural Age of Weaning: support for extended breastfeeding/child-led weaning
Human Milk Banking Association of North America
Kellymom (breastfeeding and parenting resource)